10/12/2021 Yle News Interview with Jeancy Kimbenga
18/02/2022 AP News French citizen accuses Greece of pushback
09/06/2021 À l’air libre (117) «Le plus grand trafiquant de migrants, c’est l’Union européenne»
14/05/2021 TRT World Europe’s Borders: Can Frontex be trusted?
Iftach Cohen, senior legal advisor at front-LEX, testifying at the European Parliament
2019 Rai Play L'Approdo Omer Shatz accusa l'UE di crimini contro l'umanità
Adv. Omer Shatz interrogated on the ICC case by the European Parliament
08/06/2021 Leave Noone Behind Support the lawsuit at the EU Court of Justice
Selected Articles
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29/04/2022 EU Observer Frontex chief tenders resignation
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17/03/2022 Cyprus Digest Syrian refugee sues Frontex for complicity in deportation to Turkey
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18/03/2022 Middle East Monitor Syrian refugee sues EU border agency for abandoning him at sea
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18/03/2022 The News International Syrian was illegally pushed back into Turkey by Greek authorities: Asylum-seeker sues EU border agency
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19/03/2022 Kosmodromio Πρώτη φορά Σύρος αιτών άσυλο σέρνει στο Ευρωπαϊκό Δικαστήριο τη Frontex
21/03/2022 Der Spiegel Pressure Growing on Frontex Chief from Pushbacks Investigation
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18/02/2022 AP NEWS From Turkish jail, French woman accuses Greece of ‘pushback’
18/02/2022 Mediapart Migrants : la Grèce refoule une Française vers la Turquie
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09/06/2021 mediapart « Le plus grand trafiquant de migrants, c’est l’Europe »
26/05/2021 euraktiv Refoulement de migrants : recours contre Frontex devant la justice européenne
25/05/2021 Der Spiegel Wie Frontex den Pushback-Skandal vertuschen will
25/05/2021 Liberation Deux demandeurs d’asile portent plainte contre Frontex après des renvois illégaux
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25/05/2021 AP News Migration lawsuit launched against EU’s border agency
25/05/2021 efsyn Μήνυση κατά της Frontex για επαναπροωθήσεις στο Αιγαίο
25/05/2021 infomigrants منظمة فرونت ليكس: الحكومات الأوروبية تُشرّع وتنفذ عمليات ”الصد القسري“ على نحو مباشر
25/05/2021 swissinfo Abogados llevan al Frontex al TJUE por devoluciones de migrantes en el Egeo
25/05/2021 Mundo Ao Minuto Organização apresenta ação judicial contra agência europeia Frontex
25/05/2021 Zeit Online Menschenrechtsaktivisten klagen gegen EU-Grenzschutzbehörde
16/02/2021 Independent Lawyers give EU agency notice over Greece migrant pushbacks
15/02/2021 Der Spiegel Rechtsanwälte wollen Frontex-Chef Leggeri vor Gericht bringen
15/02/2021 Liberation Une plainte contre Frontex pourrait faire son chemin jusqu’aux tribunaux européens
26/07/2019 The Conversation Migration in the Mediterranean: why it’s time to put European leaders on trial
03/06/2019 The Guardian ICC submission calls for prosecution of EU over migrant deaths